These are three of the key practice areas handled by The Sheller Law Firm, namely, Personal Injury, Life Insurance Sales Fraud, Class Action.

Negligence is defined in Texas law (and most other states) as the failure to do what a reasonable person would have done under the same or similar circumstances, or doing what a reasonable person would not have done under the same or similar circumstances (such as hitting the accelerator instead of the brake). You have to have a legal duty to the other person such as to drive safely and not hit them. The person is entitled to damages caused by your breach of the duty to drive safely, and not hit them.
Comparative Fault
Texas is a comparative fault state. If you are found 51% Negligent in Texas (and 32 other States) you get zero.
Click here to see the types of personal injury cases handled by The Sheller Law Firm.

Insurance fraud occurs when an insurance company, agent, adjuster or consumer commits a deliberate deception in order to obtain an illegitimate gain. It can occur during the process of buying, using, selling or underwriting insurance. Seniors are often targets of insurance fraud, particularly life and health insurance fraud. Seniors are more likely than others to feel they need these coverages, and many worry that they’ll become a burden to family if they don’t have enough insurance.
Fake health insurance and life insurance companies and dishonest insurance agents can defraud consumers by collecting premiums for bogus policies with no intention or ability to pay claims.
Legitimate companies that are not licensed by the state to sell insurance might lead consumers to think they are selling “insurance” while evading state insurance regulations.
Employees of legitimate insurance companies can also deceive consumers for personal gain. For instance, an unscrupulous agent could collect premiums from a customer without delivering the insurance policy to the company. The insurance company could cancel or refuse to renew the policy.
Consumers should be on the lookout for the following warning signs, as they may indicate that an insurance company is fake:
• A very aggressive agent or broker who pressures a consumer by saying they must sign up for a policy right away (perhaps saying or the premiums will go up).
• Premiums from a particular company are a lot lower (more than 15-20% less) than other companies’ comparable coverage.
• Have trouble finding the phones listing, phone number or getting through when calling. The Texas Department of Insurance is easily reached online and by phone and is able to verify whether an insurance company exists and is authorized to sell insurance in our state.
If you think you may be a victim of life insurance insurance sales fraud contact us to see how we may be able to help you.
Life insurance sales fraud is a practice area that The Sheller Law Firm has a good deal of experience with as can be seen from many of the news stories found under the “News” tab.

Groups of individuals and businesses that have suffered a common personal injury may have the right to present their case to the court. The resolution of such issues is commonly reached by filing a class action suit. Often the basis of the suit involves defective products or property contamination. Perhaps a business is unfairly charging customers for services.
David Sheller has experience as lead counsel in class action suits against large corporations. There is no class action case too large or complex for the Sheller Law Firm to handle. Contact our offices at 713-677-4167 if you think your rights have been abused.